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Digital transformation

Part of our digital work at HEIW is around digital transformation. This means using digital technologies to create new, or modify existing, processes, services, and experiences within healthcare in Wales.

These technologies benefit everyone and we are working on projects for our HEIW staff, the NHS workforce, other organisations within the health sector, and the public.

We’re excited to explore how digital innovation is set to transform the mental health, pharmacy, primary care, nursing and midwifery, and dental workforces, making a significant impact on patient care and the healthcare landscape in Wales.

Below are some areas which include digital transformation to give you a better understanding of how we’re integrating digital transformation into workforce planning.


Mental health

The strategic workforce plan for mental health launched in 2022 and is now being implemented. Within this area, digital transformation will improve the access patients have to treatments through online platforms, mobile apps and telepsychiatry, which all support remote consultations. It will also enhance treatment effectiveness with AI-powered tools to build personalised treatment plans.



The strategic workforce plan for pharmacy has adopted digital transformation by improving medication management through e-prescribing systems and automation. Patient safety and adherence has also been impacted through data analytics and support targeted intervention.


Primary care

Digital integration in the strategic workforce plan for primary care streamlines administrative tasks, such as electronic prescribing and secure patient portals. Additionally, wearable health devices and remote monitoring enable proactive healthcare interventions and chronic disease management.

A virtual ‘Advances in Healthcare’ webinar looks at the impact of digital transformation on the Primary Care Workforce.


Nursing and midwifery

The strategic workforce plan for nursing and midwifery uses digital advancements to enhance patient outcomes and streamline processes. Electronic health records, telehealth, and simulation technologies are key components.



Digital technologies in dentistry improve diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient education. Digital imaging and 3D scanning enhance accuracy, and chairside CAD/CAM systems enable same-day restorations. Teledentistry enhances access to dental care, while patient education tools promote oral health awareness. This is all being discussed as part of the strategic workforce plan for dental.


Throughout all areas of healthcare, work is being done to build a health care workforce that is digitally ready. This includes using designated champions throughout the sector to drive digital innovation.

By embracing digital transformation, the NHS Wales workforce will unlock new potentials in patient care, efficiency, and accessibility. As digital technologies become integral to healthcare practice, NHS Wales will be better equipped to meet evolving patient needs and provide high-quality, patient-centred care well into the digital future.

If you’d like If you’d like to know more about our analytical work or how you can benefit from it, please contact For more on workforce planning, please visit our workforce pages.